Calling Evil, EvilA colleague at Andover Newton Seminary at Yale Divinity School told me earlier this week that he’s hearing a lot of concern on campus…8h ago18h ago1
Totalitarians Think They’re So Tough…but I’ll place my bet on the Consensus-Builder when it comes to real change every time.Jan 241Jan 241
Closer Together and Closer to GodOn Monday and Tuesday of this week, I offered two keynote addresses and a sermon to a group of 50ish senior pastors at what’s called the…Jan 17Jan 17
What I CultivateForty-thousand feet above the continental US and heading west, I’m just beginning to reflect on my third trip to connect with Andover…Jan 101Jan 101
A Framework, a Relationship, and a CommunityWhen I read for pleasure, it’s always secular fiction. The problem with secular fiction for me is, however, its secularism.Jan 32Jan 32
Gold, Frankincense, and AttentionEvery year I try harder to keep my holiday season simple, and every year, around this time, I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas and I…Dec 20, 2024Dec 20, 2024
A Topical DepressionFrom time to time, especially during these dark December days, a squall of depression passes over me, and I feel low in a way that doesn’t…Dec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
In Non-Essentials, LibertyOn how much do we need to agree with each other in order to work together?Dec 6, 2024Dec 6, 2024